It is impossible to create a well-thought-out HYIP-project without sorting out the formats of payments which an admin is supposed to make to investors at the expiration of a timer. You should be very attentive when choosing a type, because it also depends on the fact if your project is chosen or not. There are only 3 common options - automatic, manual and instant payments. In the peculiarities of each option let's understand in detail.
Indeed, they are the most attractive for investors, because they just need to make a payment, and that's all - the money arrives on the account, which is tied to the account, just specify the details correctly, you do not have to worry about anything else. Is that from time to time to check the account. For the administrator such a solution is also not bad, because it is convenient - you do not need to do anything manually. On the other hand, in HYIPs it is also the most risky payment format. Among the features of the automatic system are:
Note, it is the automatic payment format is most vulnerable to attacks by hackers and hacking of admins' wallets. In this case, even DDOS can not cope. However, this does not happen to everyone, but only where security is poorly configured. For this, respectively, requires investment, because the services of a good developer will cost a lot.
Automatic payments are suitable for admins with considerable experience, who are able to take on additional risk, in order to attract new investors on more convenient terms. Because if it is convenient for them, they will recommend HYIP and accordingly it will make the project more attractive.Today very few HYIPs are ready to work with this type of payments, so they are very valuable.
The only variant at which the considered scheme of payments is suitable and there are no failures, attacks of cyber-fraudsters, hacking of accounts and their nullification and where the administrator himself can't curtail HYIP is smart contracts. It is obligatory to pass an audit. In the other case it is quite a standard HYIP. But in this variant the project has many disadvantages.
This type of payout is also preferred mostly by investors. The essence is that after the creation of the application, the profit is immediately sent to the wallet. No expectations and risks. In general, the procedure itself is extremely pleasant - just a couple of seconds and the account grows. About what, of course, it is necessary to write in the blog, that investors immediately and do. Such a simple way of obtaining payouts uniquely pleases other participants, especially those who have just joined and are still waiting for their savings.
Admins also like this format of payments, because they do not require anything in particular for the investor to receive what is due to him. The disadvantages are similar to the first method. However, instant payments are stricter.
The human factor is at work here. The investor will not try to withdraw every penny, because he simply has no time for that. It happens that investors simply forget that it is time to request a withdrawal, and do it later. As a result, there is much less pressure on the cash desk.
Of all the ways to pay out - this is the favorite for investors, but remains risky for the admin. This is because hackers do not sleep, and although instant payouts are less susceptible to hacking, but the risks are still high.
Manual dividend payouts are common and more comfortable for the admin, however, investors do not mind this format either. In order not to scare off potential investors, you need to know the measure of reinsurance. Keep in mind, too long rules will not make investors happy, rather they will simply refuse to enter your HYIP.
The normal norm of waiting time is 24-72 hours. A stricter variant - only working days or even exclusively a few hours a day. There is even a format of once a week. Of course, not for all HYIPs this variant is suitable at all. It is optimal for low and medium-yielding HYIPs, there is no hurry. But even in this case you should not set too stringent a framework.
The optimal solution - 24-48 hours, 72 is not very attractive, and to tell you the truth, it strains the investor. Definitely, such a schedule and type of payment is not suitable for high-yield HYIPs. The only exception - the project of an experienced administrator, who was able to make a name for himself. Here already they will go for it and the rules do not scare them.
Among the advantages of manual payouts:
As such, there are no disadvantages with this format, the main thing is not to go too far with the rules and then hackers and hacks are not afraid and everything will be under control.
It is impossible to say that any of payment formats is uniquely best and suits any HYIP, it does not exist. Everyone has advantages and disadvantages. Even using automatic and instant payments it is possible to adjust works well. True, this can only be handled by an experienced administrator, who knows how to do everything well, including the creation of projects and the right selection of ads for promotion, in general, an experienced market player.
To add to the attractiveness of the project, you should take care about what customers can count on the additional benefits in the form of bonuses, contests and bounty programs. Be sure to release news, and the more regular, the better. If the admin is working, and the project is developing. It is logical to attract the attention of investors, and they are more willing to invest their money.
The main advice to admins - do not be lazy in your projects and strive for self-development, which will be embodied in your activity.